사라와 친구들이 걸어 온 길을 소개합니다.
우리가 함께 한 날들, 전시들 그리고 행사들.
Introducing the history of Sara and friends.
Events, exhibitions and important days of us.
오뚝이 '사라' 탄생
The birth of 'Sara'
그림자 '살다' 탄생
The birth of 'Salda'
오래된 친구 '삼' 탄생
The birth of 'Sam (a.k.a. Life)'
오픈씨 이더리움 컬렉션 오픈
Opensea Ethereum collection open
저작권 등록 완료
Copyright registered
Stratosphere 2022, NFT NYC
Samsung 837, New York
06.25. ~ 07.27.
Flower power exhibition
성북구 우리옛돌박물관
Korean stone art museum, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
07.06. ~ 07.12.
NFTopia Friends exhibition
week 7 , 홍대 코코넛 박스
Coconut box (Hongdae), Mapo-gu, Seoul
07.11. ~ 07.17.
Crypto Art Fes (CAF) 2022, Tokyo Shibuya
Metaverse exhibition as World connector
07.28. ~ 08.27.
Creators Community Club (CCC) Lounge exhibition
성수 데어바타테
Der Batate, Seongsu-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
07.30. ~ 08.31.
1st FEWK; NFT ART, Preview ARTtech Festival
강남구 삼성동, 오트리스 빌딩
Otris building, Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
08.03. ~ 08.16.
Rhythmical NFT club Forest collection
홍대 코코넛 박스
Coconut box (Hongdae), Mapo-gu, Seoul
공식 홈페이지 오픈
Official site open
08.08. ~ 08.14.
Moonland, The NFT Art exhibition
갤러리 아미디 신촌
Gallery Amidi Shinchon, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
09.24. ~ 09.25.
Woori Festival, Toulouse France
in Art wall 2022
Salle jean mermoz, Toulouse, France
09.26. ~ 10.02.
NFT in Coffee ( CCCC exhibition )
SooHo.io Web3.0/NFT Cafe
Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul